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​Dancing with the Bear - Stories of Russian Missionaries

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Dancing with the Bear

Judith Bentley comes from a long line of Pentecostals. Having known her for most of her life, I have admired her great love for truth and her dedication to the spending of her life, along with her husband, in the vast country of Russia. She is the author of four books. I know that you will enjoy Dancing With the Bear. It is a book of compelling stories from the countries of the former Soviet Union.

-C. M. Becton

When Robert and Judith Bentley answered the call of Jesus to a special task in Russia, they had no idea of the magnitude of the adventure that would unfold. Soon they became involved in an epic that swung from the depths of misery to the superlative of joy-the privilege of ministering living water to the perishing who had never heard it before.

Surrounded by hungry hearts, (something unknown to the average American pastor) opposition, setbacks, difficulties and discomfort became insignificant.

Never in the history of our world has a nation discarded the God of heaven for seventy four years to wallow in cruelty, political intrigue, and murder. Then unexpectedly the King of Kings toppled it all and called the Bentleys and other dedicated workers into an unusual harvest with a serious price tag.

Now He has chosen and gifted my friend, Judy, to record how Jesus is turning lives around. Her three previous books are excellent. This book is a must for every library.

-Nona Freeman

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​Dancing with the Bear - Stories of Russian Missionaries

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